torsdag 21 juli 2011

Det här gjorde mig ledsen idag

I died today. You got tired of me and took me to the shelter. T...hey were overcrowded and I drew an unlucky number. I am in a black plastic bag in a landfill now. Some other puppy will get the barely used leash you left. My collar was dirty and too small, but the lady took it off before she sent me to the Rainbow Bridge .

Would I still be at home if I hadn't chewed your shoe? I didn't know what it was, but it was leather, and it was on the floor. I was just playing. You forgot to get puppy toys.

Would I still be at home if I had been housebroken? Rubbing my nose in what I did only made me ashamed that I had to go at all. There are books and obedience teachers that would have taught you how to teach me to go to the door.

Would I still be at home if I hadn't brought fleas into the house? Without anti-flea medicine, I couldn't get them off of me after you left me in the yard for days.

Would I still be at home if I hadn't barked? I was only saying, "I'm scared, I'm lonely, I'm here, I'm here! I want to be your best friend."

Would I still be at home if I had made you happy? Hitting me didn't make me learn how.

Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to care for me and to teach manners to me? You didn't pay attention to me after the first week or so, but I spent all my time waiting for you to love me.

I died today.
Love, Your Puppy

Jag tycker att det här är så hemskt och började själv grina när jag läste texten. Kan bara tänka mig om någon skulle äga mina hundar och bestämma sig för att ta bort dem. De som är så underbara. Man ska verkligen tänka sig för innan man skaffar sig en hund så det inte blir så här. Hemsk dikt men samtidigt lite fin.

2 kommentarer:

becca & olga sa...

Usch så hemskt :´( Stackars alla hundar som hamnar hos fel människor....

Quila o Ronja sa...

Jaa, fy så hemskt! Dina sista ord......"Man måste tänka sig för, både en och två och tre gånger, innan man skaffar en hund". Eller katt med, för den delen. Hur ska man få människor att förstå det?
Det får inte vara så lätt, att bara ta ett liv.

Ps. Hur har det gått med tältet??Ds.